Cellulite Reduction

LCI offers cellulite reduction treatment with Maximus TriLipo™ RF technology, the most advanced fat reduction treatment on the market. Radio-frequency energy targets the body’s deep dermis and sub-dermal layers, giving you smoother contours and tighter skin.

At LCI, our cellulite reduction treatment helps you:

Measurable Results

Cellulite and excess local fat are caused by the enlargement of fat cells, lymphatic stagnation, and weak dermal connective tissue. RF energy generates heat in the dermal and subcutaneous layers of skin, stimulating fat metabolism and collagen remodeling. Deep heating combines with muscle contraction and external mechanical pressure to give maximum fat removal, lymphatic drainage, and skin tightening.

Cellulite treatment with Maximus TriLipo RF technology rejuvenates skin tissue by contracting collagen fibres, boosting collagen production, and shrinking fat cells.

Before and After

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